Changes the number to the format of the instrument price.
public string FormatPrice (double price)
price — doublenumber to change format
string String with incoming number in price format
using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Drawing; using PTLRuntime.NETScript; namespace InstrumentClassExamples { public class InstrumentClassExamples : NETStrategy { public override void OnQuote() { Instrument inst = Instruments.GetInstrument("/ES[U4]"); //Methods Level2[] l2_ask; Level2[] l2_bid; //getAsksDepth Method l2_ask=inst.getAsksDepth(); //getBidsDepth Method l2_bid=inst.getBidsDepth(); //FormatPrice Method string price = inst.FormatPrice(l2_ask[0].Price); //GetDerivativeSettings Method DerivativeSettings ds=inst.GetDerivativeSettings(); //GetHashCode Method int hash_code = inst.GetHashCode(); //GetLastTrade Method Trade tr = inst.GetLastTrade(); Print(tr.Price); //GetMarginSettings Method MarginSettings ms = inst.GetMarginSettings(); //GetTradingSessionAction Method TradingSession ts = inst.GetTradingSessionActive(); Print(ts.Name); //GetTradingSessions Method TradingSession[] all_ts=inst.GetTradingSessions(); for(int i=0;all_ts.Length-1>i;i++) { Print(all_ts[i].Name); } //isAllowableOrderType Method bool Ord_Type1 = inst.IsAllowableOrderType(OrdersType.Limit); if(Ord_Type1==true) { // do some code } //isAllowableTimeInForce Method bool time_in_force = inst.IsAllowableTimeInForce(TimeInForce.GTD, OrdersType.Limit); if(time_in_force==true) { //do some code } //RoundPrice Method double round_price = inst.RoundPrice(l2_ask[0].Price); //RoundProfit Method double round_profit = inst.RoundProfit(l2_ask[0].Price); } } }