Represents access to collection of all today fills.


public FillsCollection Fills { get; }


 An object ‘Fill’ is created in the following example. After creation of this object Commission properties by specified trade are outputted.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using PTLRuntime.NETScript;

namespace FillsExample
  public class FillsExample : NETStrategy
    public override void Init()
      Fills.FillAdded += NewFill;//creates an action that responds to the emergence of a new trade.
    public override void OnQuote()
      NewOrderRequest request = new NewOrderRequest //creation of a new trading order request.
        Instrument = Instruments.Current,
        Account = Accounts.Current,
        Side = Operation.Buy,
        Type = OrdersType.Market,
        Price = Instruments.Current.LastQuote.Ask,
        Amount = 1,
        MarketRange = 1000,
      Orders.Send(request); //sends trading order.
    //The method that is triggered after the trade was made.
    public void NewFill(Fill lastFill)
      //outputting commission by last trade.
      Print("Commission : \t"  +lastFill.Commission+"\n");
    public override void Complete()
      Fills.FillAdded -= NewFill;