Represent access to account object selected by account ID.


Account GetAccountById (string accountId)


accountId — string

Account ID.


Account Returns an object of Account class.


 The following example shows how to create an Account object and address to its properties knowing only its unique ID.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using PTLRuntime.NETScript;

namespace AccountAction
    public class AccountAction : NETStrategy
      string accId;
    public override void Init()
      Accounts.Current.Update += new Action<Account>(CurrentAccUpdate);//Subscribes a method that is called each time when account parameters are changed.
      Account currentAcc = Accounts.Current; //creation and initialization of the object Account.
      accId = currentAcc.Id;
    //This function will be called after updating account information.
    private void CurrentAccUpdate(Account currentAcc) 
      currentAcc = Accounts.GetAccountById(accId);//Selects Account by unique Id.
      Print("Account information update by account : " + currentAcc.Name);
       public override void Complete()
      Accounts.Current.Update -= new Action<Account>(CurrentAccUpdate);//Unsubscribe.