Occurs when the new account is added. Never occurs for emulated user in AlgoStudio.


public event abstract virtual Action<Account> AccountAdded


  The following example shows how to create an AccountAdded event. Once new account is added, AccountAdded event is triggered that evokes the method AddNewAccount and deduces list of all available Accounts.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using PTLRuntime.NETScript;

namespace AccountAction
    public class AccountAction : NETStrategy
    public override void Init()
      Accounts.AccountAdded +=new Action<Account>(AddNewAccount);//Subscribes a method that is called each time a new account is added.
    //This function will be called after new account was added.
    private void AddNewAccount(Account currentAcc) 
      Account[] unsortedAccountList=Accounts.GetAccounts(); //Creates array with available Account.
      Print(unsortedAccountList);//Outputting of all accounts.
     public override void Complete()
      Accounts.AccountAdded -=new Action<Account>(AddNewAccount);//Unsubscribe.